It's a multicultural house with a lot of planned events; I have an awesome view of the river and the city, and I am quite close to my school. For the price (subsidized housing) this is amazing.
Today I went on an event to Little India; the food was a bit different, turns out it is more of a pakistani restaurant. I met a lot of other people, all who said wonderful things about the international house. I also met someone who happened to have an extra refrigerator (the person before him left it), so he sold it to me for 20 dollars! It is small, black, and works very well (I have not put anything in it yet, so I suppose I'll confirm that tommorow).
I also went to the bar, and it turns out they are hiring! But when I told people I was in the law school everyone told me not to get the job. They said that they see the law students for the first 5 weeks of school and then they just disappear because the have to study! :( So...I guess I'll feel it out before getting a job.