I was in a bit of a rush yesterday because I was meeting people, but I feel like I have not said enough about Berlin. I do not know how to make exclamation point on this computer so forgive me if I sound monotone. I had little temptation to buz souvenirs in Scandinavia, after all all they had were troll statues, sweaters...nothing that really stood out. But in Berlin there were many things I wanted to bring home but did not have time to go purchase. For Jesse I wanted to buy this shirt at checkpoint Charlie that said what it said on the sign--"you are now entering the American sector, all weapons are forbidden...something like that". The do not walk signs remind me of Cordelia, so I wanted to give her a pin, but did not have time to go back. And if the stop sign is Cordelia, then the go sign must be Connie.
Most of the Germans I knew in Boston were from West Germanz and liked to say that the East was crap--Berlin and Munich. I must disagree! During our walking tour we spent most of our time in East Berlin because there were more intersting historical sights. I talked to a few tourists, and all said that Munish is another must see city! Everzone, event other Fermans, said to skip Frankfurt >_< Supposedlz Frankfurt is nice to live, but it is not for tourists because it does not have the historical significance of Berlin, the culture of Munich, nor the Beauty of Dresden. 90 percent of Berlin was destrozed during WWII, but thez have done an amaying job of fixing everzthing. The only remnants of WWII destruction are occasional lots or vacant spaces. Some building do have shrapnel and bullet marks, as does the columns on the Brandenburg gate. Berlin is definitelz not nearlz as clean as the Scandinacian cities, but I still kind of wish I had skipped Copenhagen and spent 3 dazs in Berlin. Actuallz I a, glad I went to Copenhagen, I am just lamenting mz camera. I dropped mz camera agian bz the Memorial to the Murdered Jews, but it still works1
Bz the waz, another fact! The first bomb dropped in WWII landed on the zoo and killed the onlz elephant. Thez told us this during the tour. When the tour started they had us line up and take numbers. This girl said, does anyone feel uneasy that they are lining us up and giving us numbers in Germany. I laughed reallz loudlz, but this other girl was like, that is NOT funny! O_O But I thought it was.
By the way, z and y are switched on these keyboards so you may see that in my typing.
In the hostel they also gave out numbers. I think the Germans are just very organized that way. On the train from Malmo to Berlin I was eating my Daim bar when the conducter came to look at tickets. I offered him a piece of my candz bar, but he got confused and took the ENTIRE bar from me. And then I said, no, not ALL, just SOME. The guz did not understand and proceeded to walk awaz with the whole thing. Finallz I grabbed it out of his hand, broke off a piece and gave it to him and put the rest in my pocket! I shared my room with a Swedish nun who spoke no English but was very nice.
It is so interested to think that just two decades ago Berlin was still split up. Anyhow, on to Prague!
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