Today I arrived in Prague. I had arranged to meet Robert at the train station, but it turned out that the train station I went to was not the main train station! Being a dummy I forgot to write down Roberts phone number, so I had to find internet to get his number and then a phone. This was probably the most scared I had ever been in Europe. Here almost no one spoke English, and when I went to the ATM it gave me a 2000 dollar krone bill that no one could break! I almost cried because I was very scared and felt like I had no way of contacting anyone. But then people were very nice to me. These nice boy let me use their blackberry to look up Roberts number. Then another nice boy let me use his cell phone to call. When I got to the metro to get to the main station I had no change, so another nice boy bought my ticket for me!
I finally met Robert, and I felt a lot safer because I was not alone. At our hostel no one answered the door so we were stuck outside. We got very lost because Robert claimed to know the map but had NO idea, hahahahaha. In the hostel room we met two other very nice girls, one from Australia and one from China. Todaz was a bit of a relaxing day, we walked around the city. Tommorow I will take the free tour.
Prague has very lovely architecture, which I will go into more detail about tommorow. Basically everz street in Prague is worth taking a photo of...at least in the center. We went to go get coffee, and Robert was like, lets go to Starbucks. I thought he was joking because there are so many starbucks in America so each time I said, YEAH RIGHT, WE ARE NOT GOING THERE. He asked like, three times. Finally he exploded and went I WANT TO GO TO STARBUCKS. HAHAHA. I thought that was really funny. We ate czech food...goulash and potato dumplings. I like this place because it is SOOOOOO much cheaper than Scandinavia or Berlin!
Anyhow I have to meet some other friends now, I will write more tommorow!
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