So I lied. I actually decided to stay another day in Vienna because I felt too tired to gt up early and go all the way to Salzburg. At my new hostel I met this nice girl from Quebec so we went to a few Museums.
I forgot to mention in my last post an interesting thing that my Vietnamese friend told me. Apparently the stance of horses in statues has a meaning. If the horse has its two front hooves in the air, the person riding the horse died in battle. If the horse is trotting the rider was assasinated. If the horse is standing still, the rider died of natural causes. I thought this was very intersting, I wonder if it is true in many places? Probably not all over the world, but I guess it applies Austria and some parts of Europe?
Another interesting note about Austria: all of the trams and many othr places have the rainbow flag hanging on them. We thought perhaps it has a different meaning here. We asked a local about it and they said that the Rainbow is indeed to show support, not only for gay rights, but for love and peace. I thought this is very educated of them, considering so many in America, a supposedly free country, are willing to waste so much tax money to ensure a group of people are denied rights.
So far in Austria I have almost gotten hit by a car, a tram, a bike, a motorbike, a kid on a skateboard and a horse. People here drive like maniacs! Although they are all very kind. The kind man in the camera store helped me load all my photos on a USB drive. I actually went in to ask him to burn a CD because I am paranoid about my SD card breaking, but the CD would not burn. Then he gave me a half price discount on the USB drive, I ended up getting a 4G for cheaper than it cost to burn the CD so I was very happy. I am trying to load some of my favorite photos onto facebook.
Anyhow today with new friend we went to eat breakfast and went to the National Library. It was so pretty, it looked like the library in Beauty and the Beast. Apparently all the books ar available for people to read too. We also went to the Papyrus Museum, which has a caopy of the Egyptian Book of the Dead and some old editions of the Oddesey and the Illiad. After that we went to this Museum about a man who tried to make a universal language. I did not find that vry interesting...the language is called Esperanto. The founder hoped it would unite the people of earth (in reference to Babel, when God got mad at people for trying to build a way to the sky and scattered them across the world with many different languages so they could not unite and do something so blasphemous again). We also went to the globe museum which I really liked. It had on display one of the first globes ever made, as well as globes of the celestial sky, globes of the moon and the planets...to me it looked like a scene out of harry potter, all of these colorful globes shining behind their glass cases.
After seeing all of these museums I insisted that we go to my favorite ice cream place, Zanoni Zanoni. I loooove that place. Although today they were in a bad mood because it was really hot and so the place was super crowded.
I also bought a cheap pair of flip flops at H and M, since I accidentally left mine...3 hostels ago.
Tonight I am going to cook dinner with new friend :D And then I will sleep early and go to Salzburg first thing in the morning.
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