Thursday, June 25, 2009

Venice Day 2

Venice is really a beautiful city, Hanna and I walked around yesterday during the night. It is so romantic! Both of us were like booooo, why do we not have boyfriends T_T But yes, Venice does put people in the mood for Romance I think. So we single ladies went and ate gelato and took a walk before going back to our hostel.

The man who works at the hostel is nicknamed Uncle George and the reviews say that he is very nice and an interesting character. Honestly, I think he is bipolar...sometimes he will be so kind, other times he will yell at people for putting their backpack on the sofa...he also has a strange rule that no one can use internet after 11 pm...

Anyhow the weather forecast was for rain, but we had a lovely day today! We walked around but it was so hot and crowded. The water is indeed a bit dirty, but under the sun it sparkles and looks like something out of a romance novel. Yes, the city is a bit run down...but I find that charming! So far Italian food has been quite good, but nothing that we cannot get in the states. But then again, we are in a touristy area. There are some lovely churches here, but terrible street signs. It took us a long time to find San Marco Plaza, the main plaza of Venice. Basically it was like a scavenger hunt--at every street there would be a sign saying San Marco, with an arrow as to which direction we should go. After 3 hours of walking we got bored. It was hot, crowded and, to be honest, all the streets look the same! When we saw the first 10 bridges and canals we were like, woooooow, so pretty! After abour 20 more we were like...okay, time to go to Rome.

So tommorow we will be going to Rome!

I have to buy a new toothbrush because I dropped mine and it landed because the toilet. Sigh.

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