Saturday, June 27, 2009

Rome Day 2

Today Hanna and I woke up at 11 in the afternoon, the hotel has good shutters so we did not realize that we had slept so long! This girl was talking outside on the phone and we got mad and yelled at her because we thought it must be like, 6 am but it was probably around 10 O_O

We went to ther Colosseum, which is very impressive. There were so many people though, but a nice guy (who actually was trying to convince us tobuy something so perhaps he is not thaaaat nice) told us about another place where we could buy tickets--the line was much much shorter at this place. We toured the Colosseum as well as the Forum and the old Palace. There were 3 couples getting married outside of the Colosseum as well. Looks fun but...I feel like a place that is so crowded is not very romantic. I think Venice is a far more romantic city...or better yet, somewhere outside of Italy that is just less crowded!

Hanna went back home yesterday and scrubbed her leg thoroughly amd said she wanted to burn off her skin. Luckily today no one gave us any trouble. ACTUALLY, this one guy did. We were taking photos, and he started to follow us and said "hello pretty putas". Puta means whore, so I got mad and turned around and was like, "DO NOT CALL US THAT!!!" The guy said something in Italian, but we walked away. I am starting to get sick of people thinking that Asian girls are timid and quiet and easily picked on!!! Yesterday this fat ugly guy was like, "ooooo, you must be sisters!" and I was like, "NO, we just happen to both be Asian". I was in kind of a bad mood last night because we were tired and trying to get home. And he goes, "YOU know NOTHING about EUROPE, you are AMERICAN!" and then I got really mad and I was like, "I am an international relations major, I probably know MORE about EUROPE than YOU DO!!! And clearly you know NOTHING about ASIA!"

I think people are often surprised when we talk back because they expect us to just be scared. I am sick of it! Who do these pathetic losers think they are??

Regardless, the ruins today were stunning and I am very glad that I got to see them. Tommorow we will be going into Vatican City. I would like to try to see the Pope, even though I am not Christian; I want to see him because he is such an important global figure. Perhaps if we arrive early we will.

Now we are going to eat gelato!

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