Okay, I was soooo wrong yesterday when I said that Vienna is not that nice. Vienna is beautiful! Yesterday I was tired and I just went to the center. Today I saw a lot more of the city and it is really nice.
This morning I went to eat breakfast and met a really nice Vietnamese guy from Oregon. I was happy since yesterday I was kind of lonely during the day. Although in my room I met a guy from Berlin and a girl from Finland. They are both here to audition for music school! I did not say this but I immediately thought about Hitler trying to get into art school in Vienna, and wondered what would happen if they get rejected O_O I know, it is an awful thought. But seriously if Hitler had just gotten into art school things would have been so much better...Anyhow, the girl from Finland is sooo pretty but in a very weird way! She looks like how I think a fairy would look. It turns out she is half Arami, these people who live in northern Finland who look similar to American Eskimoes. So she has some Asian features, but she is really pale, has really pale blond hair that is kind of frizzy (like how I would imagine a fairy to look), but blue asian eyes and asian shaped face! I heard in one part of Russia blue eyes in a dominant gene, maybe that is why she looks like that? Anyhow, she and the guy from Berlin invited me to go to a Jazz show with them, but unfortunately I will not be there anymore!
Anyhow, I was very happy to meet the Vietnamese guy and we went to the Museum Quarter where there is such nice architecture! The buildings are so pretty! Vietnamese guy and I share a passion for ice cream, and he told me he found the best ice cream in the world and I told him about the place I went to yesterday, I insisted it was the best. So we agreed to go to both. We went to his first since it was near the hostel, and I took one bite and was very happy because my place was definitely BETTER! So we went to my place and he agreed, my place was number one. His place was just a cafe, mind was this huge thing. Today I had an afagato, which is espresso with ice cream, and a sundae. My sundae was sooooo good! It was hazelnut, stracciatella and vanilla ice cream with egg liquor! Americans are SO dumb, why do we not put liquor in our ice cream??? It tastes so good, and there were so many sundaes with different types of liquor like chocolate liquor, rum, etc.
Then we had weiner schnitzel and this really good pasta and a deep fried pig knuckle. The pig knuckle was really good, as was the pasta. Since Austria is famous for apple struedel we had that too. I thought that was just okay.
There are many nice parks in Vienna, and their government buildings are so pretty. I wish buildings in America were not so boring! I thought the government buildings were cathedrals, the Veinnese government building is so ornate. I took many pictures.
Later we passed another ice cream place (there are so many in Vienna, yet everyone is so thin!) and there was a group of cute little Austrian children eating ice cream. I wanted to take a picture of them but did not want to freak people out. But then I saw an old asian couple taking pictures of the kid so I was like, well, I will do it too. HAHAHA, they must think Asians are very weird!
After this I drank a lot of water; I was really thirsty from eating so much salty and sweet food. I went to the bathroom in the museum quarter and you have to pay. And the person collecting money is male. I went in, and was doing my stuff, and then he comes and opens the door of my stall!! Thank goodness I was done and had my pants back on, but I do not know what his problem is! I am not sure where he is from but he is not Austrian...a German woman complained to me that there is tension with immigrants because they rape women and cause crime. I honestly, being the daughter of immigrants, usually defend immigrants, but men like this man and that guy who grabbed me in Austria give all immigrants a bad name!!!! He knew I was in the stall, I know that he did it on purpose! I left quickly because I was a bit scared and wanted to get back to the hostel. On hindsight I should have reported him to the people who work in the museum quarter. I will write them an email about him, hopefully they will at least fire him. What a pervert!!!
Anyhow I moved to my new hostel, which is very close to the station that I need to depart from tommorow, and we ate more Austrian food. I had this turkey schnitzel, which was also pretty good. I am heading to Salzburg first thing in the morning!
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